The Separation Story – What will you tell your children?

In an era of marriage and family breakdown – many families are doing it on their own. Davide Di Pietro, a clinical social worker at the Resilience Centre, has had a wealth of experience helping parents and children navigate this...

Three Reasons Why Therapy is a Good Investment

By Adam Wright, Clinical Psychologist. In the context of medicine, psychological therapy is relatively new. Therapy as we know it today has really only taken off in the last 45-50 years. In Australia, the Better Access to Mental Health Care...

Letting Everything Become Your Teacher – Lessons in Mindfulness – Part 2

Letting Everything Become Your Teacher – Lessons in Mindfulness Extracts from bestselling author Jon Kabat-Zinn’s book ‘Full Catastrophe Living’ Part 2 – Self-discipline, conscious intention, basis instructions For those who want to learn more about mindfulness Mindfulness doesn’t just come...

Interpersonal Effectiveness

By Joe Alberts Clinical Psychologist, The Resilience Centre To use interpersonal skills effectively we have to decide the relative importance of: Achieving our objective Maintaining our relationship with the person(s)we are interacting with, and Maintaining our self-respect It is important...

When everyone is benefiting from your life – except you!

By Ruth Fordyce Psychologist, The Resilience Centre Are you a driven person? Do you hold yourself to high standards? Are you rushing around trying to keep everyone happy, but with that gnawing feeling inside that you’re going to drop a ball soon...

“Till Death Do Us Part” – the marriage journey

Marriages and partnerships are hard work and many people enter it without exploring some of the necessary ingredients to make it work and thrive. Sometimes however it is life’s challenges such as having children, financial hardships or health issues that...

Letting Everything Become Your Teacher – Lessons in Mindfulness

By Ida Soghomonian Psychologist, The Resilience Centre Extracts from bestselling author Jon Kabat-Zinn’s book ‘Full Catastrophe Living’ Part 1 – Nonjudging, Patience and Beginner’s Mind For those who want to learn about mindfulness Whether you are trying to learn patience,...