STRESS – When is it too much?

We all need a certain amount of stress, but what happens when we are over-stressed? The consequences can be significant. So, how do we manage our stress? Clinical Psychologist Joe Alberts chats with Leigh Hatcher about this important issue.

Talking About Suicide: Episode 4 – How do you relate to a person who has lost someone through suicide?

    Clinical psychologists Lyn Worsley and Joe Alberts speak about the importance of focusing “on the hope in the now’ and reaching out to be with the person without any preconceived ideas or questions. “One size fits one”. They...

Reconnect Tips #stayconnected

Being isolated from other people is a bit of a concern. I have decided to reconnect with people who I haven’t seen or spoken to for a long time.

Interpersonal Effectiveness

By Joe Alberts Clinical Psychologist, The Resilience Centre To use interpersonal skills effectively we have to decide the relative importance of: Achieving our objective Maintaining our relationship with the person(s)we are interacting with, and Maintaining our self-respect It is important...

Why the Marlboro Man Never Saw a Psychologist

  Clinical psychologist, Joe Alberts talks to Leigh Hatcher about the difficulties many men have recognizing they need help, when they are conditioned to fixing things themselves.


  People are amazing! One thing amongst many that sets us apart from the other creations is our ability to reflect on the past and learn from our experience as well as dream about a desired future and work towards...

Living with chronic pain

Sally (not her real name) walked slowly into my office and chose an upright, less comfortable chair. She took quite a while to find a comfortable posture and then looked at me with eyes that knows suffering. After the normal...