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A Story of Resilience in Action

Last week, The Resilience Centre had its own unexpected drama when our wonderful practice manager’s car caught fire on her way home from work.

She was, of course, shocked to see flames coming from her bonnet as she stopped her car. Thinking quickly, she jumped out and ran away from the busy main road, grabbing the bag beside her before the fire fully took hold. It was a lucky escape.

But she wasn’t alone.

Two drivers in the cars behind her saw everything unfold. Without hesitation, they got out, called 000, helped her to safety, and even managed to retrieve her valuables from the boot before the fire consumed the car.

These kind and selfless people stayed by her side until emergency services extinguished the flames. They then accompanied her to the train station, ensuring she had safe passage home, checking on her all the while.

And the kindness didn’t stop there.

When she arrived at her destination, friends and neighbors were waiting with open arms—offering support, care, and even loaning cars to help her manage until insurance could step in.

Yet, despite such an ordeal, she was back at work the very next day.

So, was she resilient? Or was it the people around her who embodied resilience?

At The Resilience Centre, we cherish stories like this—where resilience is lived and felt. Our practice manager is someone deeply connected to her community. She gives generously to others, raises money for those in need, and volunteers on weekends with her local surf club.

Our research tells us that resilience is not just in the individual but in the network of resources surrounding them—how they navigate and negotiate with those supports. Without realizing it, she had been building resilience long before her car caught fire. Her strong connections set her up for the incredible response she received from her community. Her warmth and kindness made it easier for those behind her to step in and help. And her ability to accept support was a skill she had learned from a life of offering it to others.

Our resilient practice manager exemplifies the power of connection. The “Resilience Doughnut” model reminds us that when we nurture our relationships and engage meaningfully with our world, we create a strong foundation for weathering life’s storms. It doesn’t put out the fire or replace the car—but it makes all the difference when others lean in and care.

To the incredible people who stopped to help—thank you. May you always experience the same kindness when life throws you a challenge, and may we all remember the power of resilience when we need it most.

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land where we work, the Darug and Guringai people and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also work and live on this land.

The Resilience Centre








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Suite 401, Level 4,
51 Rawson Street
Epping NSW 2121

Mon – Fri 8.30am – 5.30pm
Sat 8.30am – 5.00pm

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